Saturday, January 20, 2007

MY CRaZy GrOuP MeMBer~ ~

Yeah~~~Finally....Today we just finish the boring 15 days lab sessions......During these fifteen days, We have developed a control released capsule of metformin which is equivalent to GLUCOPHAGE that is already on the market!!! YES....guys...we did it!!!!we shall get a licence for it.....I think alex mullen should be very happy now because he can sell these and buy a lot of coca cola.... HAAAAA...then he will got diabetes.....and we can sell these to him n earn his money....* Evilly smile*...After these boring n stupid lab......we have been transform from a teenager to a PROFESSOR!!!!Firstly....let me introduce the leader and the cleaner of the group 15 .....
PRO philip "SIAO" Secondly......The head of capsule packaging department.......The capsule filler machine!!!!
PRO Mun-KEY!!!! Thirdly......The head of sample testing department..........The sucking sample machine!!!!
PRO LU LU TAN!!!!!Fourthly.....The developer of the capsule.....Most CRaZy Scientist of 2007....
Finally..... The Formulator and the photographer of the group...The trouble maker...
PRO RACHEL LIM!!!Lastly....let us enjoy some of the entertainments which is produce by PRO PHILIP "SIAO"!!! Rocky philip "SIAO"
"I love lab" by PHILIP "SIAO"....omg..philip...u are really "SIAO"
Guys....Thanks for the wonderful lab memory...muaksss muaksss....cheers~ for lab group 15!!!!

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