Sunday, September 24, 2006

最近好烦啊!有一些不开心的事情发生。。。而且这件事情我又无能为力, 只能眼睁睁得接受现实。唉!现在觉得好辛苦啊!明明不开心还要在别人面前假装坚强,因为我不想因为我不开心而影响到周围的人也不开心。。。没办法,我就是这样的人,一辈子为别人而活多过为自己。

Friday, September 15, 2006

做人真烦,为什么不能随心所欲的去做自己想要做的事呢? 明明就想哭,为什么总是要假装坚强呢!一个人躲在厕所里面哭就能解决所有的难题吗!为什么要把所有的问题藏在心里?你真的会快乐吗?为什么要这么傻呢!
做人啊。。。。常常会遇到一些让人很苦恼的事,有时候明明就不喜欢一个人还要假装跟他好像难兄难弟一样。但是没办法啦。。。这就是人生啊。。。。。当你讨厌一个人时尽量去想他的优点,因为讨厌一个人其实也还蛮累的, 所以呢。。。与其浪费精神去讨厌一个人。何不花些时间去跟他沟通。。这样少了一个敌人, 也多了一个朋友,何乐而不为呢!

Monday, September 04, 2006

The journey began at around 10am plus ....when we are reaching the bus station, sharon forgot to bring the tickets...she fly back n get the ticket back but the "F" driver already left....really shit...
aiks.... in the end.....we have to change the ticket to manchester...n then from manchester to leeds....anyway because of this incidence..i was able to buy my another pink colour sunglasses....wahahhahaaa thank u sharon!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Today is the last day in leeds....
we have been staying here for three days and we are going to leave today....
In these few days....i know some "special" friends which is vincent gay, boon bitches, lobster, chicken, jane and joyce....nice to know ur guys...thanks for everything in leeds....i really enjoy it so much...thanks!!!!hahaahaahaaa...and also thanks for making me drunk again...damn lobster n is so embarrasing... @$%^#%%$....:P