Today i went to Tanjung Kupang together with BK, Terence n Grace to do penumpang check. Basically, our job is checking all the drugs n cosmetic belong to the penumpang and retain it if more than one month supply or unregistered. It is quite a difficult job cause it is impossible for us to check ALL the penumpang since there is only four of us. Somemore when u check their medicines some of their medicines are actually WET. I cant imagine how they can eat their drugs when it is already mixing with the dirty water and how can the drugs become WET in the bus..
The group is consists of two pretty ladies, one DAI GO n one "POOL" Boy. Terence is the head of the group as he got the biggest head just like winnie the pool. BK is our DAI LOU while me n grace are responsible for checking who got the biggest biceps!!!Hahaha~
The most interesting thing is.........................................
I saw LAO ZHA BOR, YES!!!!The Hottest ZHA BOR, the best in SG n JB!!!!
Yes!!!This is her!!!!
Dont know her?? go to this website and u will know how HOT she is...... Hii aunty (PS:Actually i am not sure i should call her MISS or aunty, sorry if there is any offence!!) You come to Malaysia to shoot movie?? I like your blog very much.
Lao Zha Bor: Er..... No (with a very SHY smile). I come for shopping.
ME: Do you have any medicines?? Like vitamin, supplement??
Lao Zha Bor: Er.....No oh..
ME: Okay..then you are free to go now. Have a nice journey~
Lao Zha Bor: Thank you.
As a professional pharmacists, we have to follow pharmacists code and ethic in order to maintain the professionalism of pharmacists. So in the end, i didnt take photo with her!!!ArrRRrrrrrrrRRRR!!! i am damn regret can i not taking photo with the hottest LAO ZHA BOR in Sg??
*sob sob*
Actually i got a lot of question want to ask her: are u married??if no then Are u still a virgin?? Do you have bf?? Do you think you are a beauty??? Do you like to eat banana?? Do you really know how to use the computer to blog?? and etc....But in order to follow the stupid pharmacists code of ethic, i didnt ask her. I have to act cool and talk professionally to check her luggage.
So who's next??Kennysia??Xia Xue??Brad pitt and his angelina jolie??
WAhahahaa..i am so excited!!!