启程前所拍的照片,像不像在narnia 呢!!
We're in Narnia!!
The day started with the snowmobile ride~wheee~we rode our snowmobile across the so-called most cleanest sekali river in kiruna..as you can see, we're all wrapped up like 'bak chang' coz it was damn fucking cold.
我们可爱的instructor...Thomas!!他真的好可爱又好man 啊!!我与菲菲坐在同一辆摩哆上,跟在猴子与小文的摩哆后面,可是他们真的骑得太慢了所以呢我们决定“割车“。结果,因为雪真的太厚了,我们的摩哆就翻了还沉在雪里面,那时候我们才发现原来在雪地里翻车是一件多么美妙的事啊!结果,我们俩就一直拼命的翻车,而可怜的Thomas就一直拼命的来帮我们拉车。他还摇着头对菲菲说:“you guys are keeping me busy!! "哈哈!在我们最后一次翻车时,他也懒得理我们,他竟然站在那里抽烟看着我们傻傻地在那里拉车 ,好采最后有一个红毛男生帮我门,不然就惨了。当我们在骑雪上飞车时遇到了一些意外,因为天气太冷了,那些汽油都冻僵了,所以呢,当Thomas在start摩托时,那辆摩哆就突然间冲出去撞倒了两个人,好采她们都没事,只是受了点皮外伤。。真的是吓死我了!可是因为这样那辆摩哆就坏了不能骑了,所以呢。。最后thomas就让我们骑着他那辆马力超大的摩托回去。。真的是因祸得福啊! Our instructor, Thomas, he's really very cute..but he's oso very MAN~how ironic~Jia and i were on the same mobile..trailing behind mun-key and vun, but they were juz too slow..so we decided to overtake them!!! Sharon and Jia: ah mun...hiii....*plop* the snow was too deep!! the two of us did not follow thomas's track so we ended up buried in the snow..yippeee~we found out that falling into the snow was so f*cking fun man..our dear mun-key, vun and little feet reli missed out ler~so both of us kept on falling (PURPOSELY wan la..nothing to do with our skills)..BUT poor thomas..he had to come save us everytime due to our mischieve*grinS*once..he shook his head and told me "you guys are keeping me busy"*oops* The last time that we were stuck, he did not even bother to come save us anymore*sob sob*Luckily got one ang moh helped us pulled out our mobile from the snow..if not..die lorrr!! OH~ACCIDENT*Thomas was trying to start our (jia and mine) mobile when we came back from our ICE HOTEL tour, but the weather was too cold and the gas froze. So when he hit the accelerator..the whole mobile practically FLEW right in front of my eyes into 2 young ladies..and they also FLEW*serious!!! One even got dragged by the mobile!! luckily both of them were not seriously injured..juz pain lor~Both jia and I lost our mobile coz of that..BUT*hehe*we get to take Thomas's mobile-very geng wan ler...MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Vid taken by jia when i was driving..trying to catch the mun-key~
终于到达我们的目的地了,传说中的Ice Hotel!
Finally, ICE HOTEL..rebuild every year coz it melts! *very informative..hahah*
这是我们雪上飞车的parking lot...很美吧!
Our snowmobiles' parking lot..nice?
Dog sledge 在ice hotel 的前面!那个有二十只狗的,是我们昨天骑的dog sledge!!前面那个只有两只狗的是给一个人骑的。。那些狗很了不起吧!
Dog sledge tour which departs from ICE HOTEL when we were there..the sledge with 20 dogs were the ones that we sat on the previous day..the ones with 2 doggies is only for 1 person..
百茫茫的一片。。。左到右: 猴子,小文,little feet与我!!
Snow-covered terrain..From left: Munz, Vun, Little feet n Jia..
美丽的Ice Church。。听导游说在这里洗礼的婴儿都要取一个跟ICe有关的名字,Swedish把ICE叫做"IS"结果造成这里的学校有一整班的学生,叫Isabella and Isaac....哈哈!This is ICE CHURCH!! According to our tour guide, the babies who were baptised here must have their names related to 'ice'. So, there was once when almost the whole class of students named Isabella or Isaac etc etc.They now no longer have this rule..but still..there's quite a few with peculiar names like Miracle and Aurora..haha
ICE Hotel 里面的冰床!
The beds~~
Is it a bowl? Is it a bed..It's gonna be OUR BED!!
通往天堂的柱子!copy from elyne..:P
Ice Hotel的ICE BAR!!
The picture says it all..
Vodka mix in glasses made from ice~
Iced face mask..
Sculpture..?? Made out of ice and snow..
Automatic door made from ice..yeng neh^^
Ice fairy?? Looks like a devil with 2 pointy-black breasts..HAHA
It's lunch time..we had reindeer meet plus potato and lingonberry juice..but first we had to cook it over the fire in the super cold weather..
We had to use plastic bowls and cups (looks more like a small bucket) for our meals..Jia said it's like those used in the prison..hmm..BUT the food in it is definitely better than "curry chicken + rice la"!!!!!!!
End with a presents for Ah Foo n Shin Jeng!!!
1 comment:
I like the last video.. nicely took & hilarious~
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